20-Mar-2023 ================================== WPS Analytics Installation on z/OS ================================== WPS Analytics for z/OS version 4.2.9-GA-release ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= 1. Prerequisites 2. Installation ======================================================================= 1. Prerequisites ================ z/OS version 2.1 or above is required to run WPS Analytics. An OMVS segment must be defined for the TSO user that is going to be running WPS Analytics, or a default OMVS segment must be defined. In both cases a Hierarchical File System (HFS) must be defined and the home directory must exist and the user must have access to it. There is no space requirement for this home directory unless it is intended specifically to use this location from WPS Analytics. 2. Installation =============== WPS for z/OS is provided as a ZIP file. Full installation instructions are provided in the file WPS-Installation-and-User-Guide-for-zOS.pdf. The ZIP file contains additional documentation including this file. Quickstart ---------- Brief instructions for installation: Obtain the WPS Analytics installation TERSE file. The TERSE file may be downloaded directly from the WPL website or extracted from the WPS installation ZIP downloaded from the WPL website. Upload the installation TERSE file to the z/OS mainframe host using any method ensuring binary transfer is used. Unterse using the IBM TRSMAIN utility. This will result in a PDS LIBRARY containing several members, we will call this WPSDLIB (WPS distribution library). Read the $README member. To install WPS Analytics to its final location, edit the @INSTALL member adding a jobcard and editing the parts described at the top of the file. Submit the job. Once completed, the @INSTALL job will have created a number of datasets using a common prefix as specified in the @INSTALL member. Edit the WPSPROC member of the CNTL library created by the previous step, make the changes as described at the top of the file. This member is the common JCL PROC to be used when running WPS Analytics. Edit the SETINIT member of the CNTL library adding a jobcard and entering the license key information you have been given by World Programming. Submit the SETINIT job. It is recommended that you also edit and submit the verification jobs included in the CNTL library to check that your WPS Analytics installation has been successful. (c) 2023 World Programming